Blizzard seems to be trying to get players to stop playing only "min/max" (that means you should concentrate solely on certain abilities, ignoring diversity) through, for example choosing to focus on gemstones which WoW cataclysm Gold only offer bonuses on the chance you get to strike your foes.

To counter this it is expected that the expansion will include metagems, which are special gemstones that give bonuses when different gemstones are utilized (such as giving a unique bonus to your mage's ability to think if you use gems of a variety of shades, for example).

The Draenei will also possess an inherent resistance to shadow-based magical spells. Perhaps more importantly, their female characters aren't as beautiful as some skeptics have speculated. (The Blood Elf race was introduced, among other motives, to help "beautify" this Horde faction, as the majority of the online servers tend to be heavily influenced by those of the Alliance faction, due in large part to the way women night human characters and female elf characters appear).

We also got to explore certain areas of the Outland which is the massive new area which the expansion pack will bring to the gameplay. The Outland can be accessed via The Dark Portal, a magical rift between space and time made by the Sage Medivh (who predicted the devastating events that took place in WoW Cataclysm Classic) and will be home to a range of diverse areas. Actually, although you might expect the enigmatic Outland to consist of nothing more than deserted wastelands that have been plagued by demon hordes, Kaplan said that the area would be home to a wide array of diverse environments, including the lush green lawn called Nagrand. It is the ancestral home of once peaceful orc tribes.

Although Outland will provide new dungeons for the most avid gamers looking to test themselves the majority of Outland's other locations will be vast open spaces which will offer ample space for different adventure groups. To navigate these huge new regions The expansion will include flying mounts, like dragon-like winged creatures that can be able to run on the ground quicker than the fastest epic mounts available in the game. They can also fly into the air anytime and fly anyplace. While you'll require an account with a level of 70 to obtain your own riding mount that can fly, players will have greater freedom of movement. And apparently Blizzard's team of content creators is also creating out-of-the-way spots of content as well as monster camps that can be explored by those who dare and like exploring new regions.

According to Kaplan according to Kaplan, all of the Outland's areas will include at minimum one internal competitive player-versus player zone (some of the more expansive areas could have several PVP Hotspots).

 The new addition is part of Blizzard's effort to improve the balance of WoW Cataclysm Classic 's current PVP system which many critics consider to be unfair because of the honor system of the game (which takes a huge amount of time to progress). The producer said, "we recognize that PVP is a shaky part of the game and will strive to improve upon solving with The Burning Crusade." Kaplan further stated that Blizzard has long-term plans that are aimed to improve the process by which PVP functions.

If anything other than that, Burning Crusade looks like it will provide huge areas of land to players to traverse. It will, however, include a variety of brand new quests such as flying mounts, crafting abilities games, and huge starting zones for cheap Cataclysm Classic Gold all of the race types that can be played (each race is expected to contain at least one substantial zone that allows players to progress from levels 1 to 20 just like Elwynn Forest for Alliance characters). As per Kaplan, Blizzard would very would like to launch Burning Crusade some time in 2006. However, the producer said, "we're Blizzard, and we're focused in the first on high-quality." The question is whether this emphasis on quality will allow the expansion to be released beyond 2006 remains to be determined, but we'll keep you informed of any changes.