Mobs can be found in a range of types, WoW cataclysm Gold which we'll discuss below. Certain mobs will have different types of loot as opposed to others, while some contain special loot drops and some may have special resistances. Humanoid The majority of the enemies that you'll meet within WoW Cataclysm Classic will be humanoids. Humanoids aren't always humans, it's a term used to indicate that the people in the group have a remnants of civilization, with capabilities that go beyond that of the beasts of the wilderness. Defias raiders Dark dwarves, gnolls goblins, troggs, and many others are considered to be humanoids. Humanoid enemies are fantastic to take down when you have the chance due to their ability to are able to lose money. There aren't any commonalities that connect the various humanoid mobs. every humanoid group of enemies is made up of various classes, just in the same manner that players likely contain an rogue, a warrior or a rogue. Names of the mobs may not necessarily match their names for PC classes, however but as you progress in the course of the game you'll be able to have an idea of what titles are associated with the respective PC class. E.g. A Witch Doctor mob will almost always possess Shaman capabilities, while Beastmasters will allow their pets to attack as they fire their bows from distance, similar to Hunters. Hunter. It is also possible to determine the class of a mob by looking at their clothing and surroundings. Mage's will wear lighter clothes and carry staves in general and Warlocks are likely to have an animal that they summoned to follow them around. Luckily, the humanoids don't have all the capabilities which their PC counterparts do. Most will be limited to a handful of the most basic moves or spells, and will not have a lot of variety. Humanoid mages for instance typically don't employ spells from multiple schools; you won't see the exact same mage using Fireball or Frost Bolt. Also, the most powerful abilities are generally not available to mobs. Humanoid priests aren't able to resurrect their lost friends, and paladins don't lay hands on their victims to recover themselves when they're in danger of dying. These are normal enemies, and mind: mob bosses possess more capabilities than their regular mob counterparts, particularly when they're encountered in dungeons that are instanced. The most annoying humans that buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold you can encounter are likely Murlocs. Don't allow them to gang up on you! Buy WoW cataclysm Gold at and enjoy a 5% discount! Get the cheapest, safest cheap Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale. 7-day guarantee and easy refunds available.