The CPU is becoming a little more advanced than it Mut 24 coins has previously. This is especially true in offensive play and on All-Madden difficulty. AI players are capable of creating an impressive scoring sequence in a flash.

The Bad: Super Sim Still Not So Super

If you're interested in using Madden 24's Super Sim functionality that's been in use for a long time -maybe because you'd prefer to take a few moments of an event rather than play the whole game, you're going to be disappointed with its shortcomings. While it's capable of taking you through every action which you're not necessarily looking to take part in however, it drops the ball in terms of timing.

Do you notice anything amiss in the above video? You'll notice that the Bucs are driving across the field and playing a game in every twenty seconds or more, which is nearly impossible (unless perhaps they're playing a hurry-up mode, in which case is why?) This is in complete against the specifications on quarter lengths that you've established in the match. This means that if you wish to play a game using 15 minute quarters and an accelerated clock that slows the play clock back to 10 seconds prior to every game and it won't be able to play. Super Sim system won't recognize this when you decide you do not want to play any part of the game, but will continue to run plays every 20 seconds or less.

Whatever you do regardless of what you do, whatever you do, the Super Sim version of the game will continue to run at a greater speed than the segments of the game you choose to play. This is bound to ruin all your statistics.

Good for: More realistic player interactions and Animations

Madden 24 was often hampered in the field due to an insistence on awkward movements that can occur when two players were to come into contact with one another and this in the game of football happens quite often. This is particularly evident when two players were battling to catch a ball at the same at the same time, and you could feel the dice rolling under the hood in determining which defensive or offensive Madden 24 coins for sale player would be the one to fall to the ground. It was also evident in almost every tackle in which there would often be animated sequences which made no sense, based on the way ball carriers and defense player came into contact.