Seem fair? Of course it doesn't. In the perspective of common sense: Why is it that an organization receive more money for deciding to College Football 25 Coins cease operations instead of not? The fact that the College Football 25 negotiated its TV contracts with the knowledge that it was in control of a shutdown -and was able to secure streams of revenue that would be sustained and grow in the event of an unrest -- is the clearest explanation we've had of how College Football 25 planned for the CBA negotiations. And it isn't pretty.

With the ruling and the publication of Doty's opinions, comes a public relations nightmare for the College Football 25. The implications for the courts of public opinion, and at the bargaining tables, where the College Football 25 suddenly has a level playing field, is a major blow to the league. If it prompts both sides make a real effort to negotiate a deal it could be a positive in the end.

San Francisco 49ers defensive lineman Ray McDonald was arrested at 2:48 am Sunday morning, charged with the crime of domestic violence, according to a report from Damian Trujillo of NBC Bay Area. San Jose police have confirmed the arrest to Trujillo. McDonald would be the first to test the College Football 25's domestic violence policies, which could mean the 49ers lineman faces at minimum a six-game suspension.

"McDonald was taken into custody for the purpose of an incident, and was is booked into Santa Clara County Jail on criminal charges of domestic violence," the San Jose police department told Matt Maiocco of CSN Bay Area.

College Football 25 commissioner Roger Goodell recently admitted that he made a mistake giving Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice only 2 games of suspension over an incident of domestic violence involving Rice's former wife. This prompted the College Football 25 to change its policy on domestic violence. Players will now have to face a six-game suspension for their first domestic violence offense, and a lifetime ban for the second.

According to Trujillo, the victim in this alleged incident is pregnant, which could lead to McDonald's possible suspension being more severe than just six games. From Goodell's comments on domestic violence earlier this week:

Some of the conditions that would merit a more severe penalty could be an incident that occurred prior to getting into an organization like the College Football 25. or assault with a weapon or repeated strikes, or when the act is committed against a pregnant woman , or with the help of the child. Any subsequent offense could cause the exclusion of an area of the College Football 25; while an individual may petition for reinstatement within a year, there is no presumption or guarantee that the petition is granted. These standards of discipline will be applicable to everyone in the College Football 25 players.

McDonald has had a DUI arrest in the past , but hasn't been involved in any off-field incidents. That does not matter with the new policies on domestic violence, however.

The 29-year-old defensive lineman was originally drafted during the 3rd round of 2007's College Football 25 Draft and signed a NCAA Football 25 Coins for sale five-year, $20 million extension to his contract in the year 2011.